28 February 2011

Asian Collaboration for Excellence in Non-Communicable Disease

The growing burden of chronic diseases in the Asia Region

Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and their associated conditions are the fastest growing and most important causes of mortality and morbidity in countries like India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.

The World Health Organisation predicts that over the next 10 years, the largest increase in deaths from cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease and diabetes will occur in the regions of Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

What is the Program?

Monash University Australia and its institutional partners in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India have received a US NIH Millennium Promise Award to support the development of an Asian NCD Research Network over five years (2010-2014). The network will consist of the program trainees, the institutions involved and a global faculty of experts in non-communicable disease prevention and management.

Program Aims:

1. To provide high quality research training to more than 40 trainees from India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia

2. To strengthen NCD research capacity in India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia

3. To build a regional network of researchers & research institutions to lead research in the area of NCD prevention throughout the Asia region

Application Proces

  • Applications close on Monday, 14th of March, 2011
  • You will receive an email from ASCEND acknowledging receipt of your application
  • Potential candidates may be contacted for an interview during the week commencing 21st March 2011
  • Successful applicants will be notified by mid-April regarding the outcome of their application.

Please register your interest in the ASCEND program with Naanki Pasricha at iphu-ascend@monash.edu.

For further details on the ASCEND Research Network please visit the website www.med.monash.edu.au/ascend.

It is also strongly recommended that you make contact with the Program Director in your country before completing your application.

For further information please download the application form and information flyers below…

ASCEND Information flyer updated 16 Feb 2011.pdf (English – pdf – 338 Kb)
ASCEND Applicant Information Sheet.pdf (English – pdf – 364 Kb)
ASCEND Application Form.pdf (English – pdf – 231 Kb)