20 December 2016 

The Children’s Annual Diabetes Camp “Universiti Sains Malaysia” (USM) was held on the 25th-26th of November 2016 at Grand Riverview Hotel, Kota Bharu Kelantan.

The main objective of the camp is to re-educate and help children and adolescents with diabetes to familiarize with the practical management of diabetes.

There were 22 patients, 15 facilitators and 10 counsellors. Majority of the patients were from Kelantan and a few from Terengganu.

Children and the adolescents were taught on the basic care of diabetes such as insulin injection, self-monitoring of capillary blood sugar, recording of blood sugar in a diary, management of high and low blood sugar, sick days’ management and the effects of exercise on blood sugar.

They had the most wonderful and memorable part of the camp especially with the talent time in the evening in which each group need to come up with a presentation that had a storyline relevant to the practical management of diabetes such as tips before attending a birthday party, what steps to be taken before exercise, risks of high sugar during sick day, newly diagnosed diabetes and challenges at school.

On the second day, we started with morning physical exercise to teach the patients the effects of exercise on their blood sugar pre and post exercise and what to do if they had hypoglycemia.

Then they continued their rotations in the stations.

One of the station provided dietary counseling by introducing the concept of food exchanges emphasizing on the common carbos that would cause high blood sugar.

We believed that this camp had achieved its objectives and would like to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation to all our sponsors, staffs and patients for making this event a success.

We hope to continue doing this event on a regular basis in order to help our children and young people with diabetes to cope with their conditions.

Children’s Annual Diabetic Camp
Universiti Sains Malaysia
2016 in collaboration with:

Paediatric Department USM
Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
Malaysian Endocrine Metabolic Society (MEMS)
Sanofi Aventis SDN BHD
Medtronic SDN BHD

Please download the report below…

arrowHUSM DM Camp 2016_Grand River View.pdf (English – pdf – 1206 Kb)