24 January 2014
Since 2012, MEMS has organised the postgraduate endocrine course which is interspersed between the annual congresses. In addition to that, monthly combined clinical meetings are conducted regularly where interesting and complex clinical cases are discussed. The huge number of cases and teaching materials from these CME activities are now published in the Journal of the Endocrinology & Metabolism (JEM). It is our hope that this journal will serve as a medium for academicians, clinicians and researchers alike to publish and share their work in the field of endocrinology & metabolism. We invite your participation and contribution by submitting your work to this journal. For detailed information on submission of manuscripts, please visit the journal’s website at www.jmems.org. We would also like to request that you update us with your current contact (email & mobile number), working and correspondence address so that we can send you a copy of the printed JEM. Please indicate which address you would like to have the journal sent to. We take this opportunity to remind you to renew your membership with MEMS. Inquiries on the membership status can be sent to mems.sect@gmail.com. The yearly membership subscription is RM 30. Payment can be banked in directly into the MEMS Main Account: CIMB 14160005824-050 / Swift Code CIBBMYKL. Kindly send a notification alert to us once you have made an online transfer or email us the transaction slip. We will send you a copy of the receipt once we confirm that payment is received. We would also like to take the opportunity to wish our Chinese members and friends a very Prosperous and spirited Year of the Horse! Gong Xi Fa Cai!We look forward to seeing you at the MEMS Annual Congress in Penang from 22nd to 25th May 2014! Best regards, MEMS Council & Secretariat |