23 May 2018
The launch of “The Malaysian Atlas of Paediatric Endocrinology” was held on the 5th May 2018 during the recent MEMS Annual Congress (MAC) 9 at Hilton, Kuala Lumpur. The ceremony started with a speech given by Prof Dr Wu Loo Ling, representing the Paediatric Endocrine Group. The atlas was launched by the honourable Prof Dato’ Dr Khalid Abdul Kadir accompanied by MEMS President, Dr Zanariah Hussein. As token of appreciation, the atlas were presented to both Prof Dato’ Dr Khalid and Dr Zanariah as well as the external international speakers present during the ceremony.
Following the launch, the atlas was given as complimentary to all active MEMS members during the congress. To non-members, the atlas was sold at RM 60. We hope that the atlas will serve as a valuable tool to the medical officers and junior paediatricians. We would like to thank MEMS for the continued support financially and physically. Last but not least, thank you to all the authors, editors and trainees who contributed to the success of the atlas and not forgetting our patients and family members.
Report Prepared by:
Dr Noor Shafina bt Mohd Nor