17 June 2010 


This MEMS Best Thesis in Endocrinology and Metabolism is awarded to a junior graduate candidate or a medical officer who has carried out a research project for a degree in MMed, MSc or PhD.   

The awards

  • Two awards will be given annually. The value for a MMed or MSc award is RM1,000.00 and RM3,000.00 for a PhD

Criteria for Application

  • A junior graduate or medical officer from an Institution of Higher learning or a Research Institution or a Hospital in Malaysia.
  • Must be a MEMS member for at least 12 months and is not in arrears.
  • Applicant has been awarded the said post-graduate degree. 
  • Each member is allowed to receive the award only once.

Application Procedure

  • Application form may be obtained from the MEMS secretariat.
  • All applications must be accompanied by:
    * An official covering letter and a recommendation letter from the former supervisor.
    * One hard copy and a soft copy (Microsoft Word) to be sent to MEMS secretary. J

Judging and Notification of the result

  • Application can be submitted anytime during the year, but will be reviewed twice a year – in January and July. 
  • A committee member appointed by MEMS will vet all applications.
  • Applications are examined on the basis of academic value and originality of the thesis.
  • Successful applications will be informed formally and all recipients are required to make formal presentation of the thesis during MEMS Conference/Seminar/Course. 
  • The decision made is final.

 Please download the application form below…

MEMS Best Thesis Award_application form (English – doc – 35 Kb)